That was one response quoted in this ABC News story about a Lutheran church in Chicago having ordained a 27-year old lesbian as minister...a lesbian, it should be added, who refuses to take a vow of celibacy. Jen Rude (photo at left), the woman in question, is employed by Resurrection Lutheran Church (ELCA) as a Community and Youth Outreach Minister.
The story also includes this item: An ELCA task force is near the end of an eight-year study on human sexuality, which is expected to culminate in the 2009 release of a statement that will influence church policy.
Hmmm. 8 years to find a way out of the clear and unequivocal Biblical teachings regarding sexual sin? And being paid for, of course, from the tithes of ignorant parishioners?
There are definite indications when a culture has not only entered a post-Christian period but is in desperate danger of imploding due to irrational and injurious social practices. And you couldn't have a clearer indication than the pagan pageant described in this news story.