Coupla years back, I headed my column with a question about what part of the word illegal "they" don't understand, aimed at the millions in our midst who have no right to be here, sometimes euphemized as "undocumented immigrants," (a bit like calling burglars unexpected guest)
At that time, I strove to make a few points which seemed to be no less obvious than large facial carbuncles, to wit: - Title 8, Chapter 12, Subchapter II, Part VIII, Section 1325 of the U.S. Code states in no uncertain terms that it's a crime to cross our borders without proper authorization or to remain here without validly acquired and unexpired permission to do so.
- Those failing to meet these bedrock criteria are criminals, however justifiable may be their motives in terms of a desire for self-betterment and/or escape from unpleasant economic circumstances.
- Those who serve as enablers, whether by employing them, sheltering them or condoning their renegade behavior are complicit in the crime.
- Their model behavior ex post facto, while commendable, does not expunge the guilt of their underlying misdoing.
- There is no legal justification for granting them - or allowing them to demand - rights reserved for bona fide citizens and legitimate visitors to our shores.
- "Illegal" is an uncomplicated word which simply means against the law, and I wondered then just what it was about the word that "they" didn't understand.
Since then, the "theys" and their supporters have become bolder and more openly strident, leading me to wonder if there is something about the word that I don't comprehend.
Mind you, I conceded then, and readily concede now, that understanding of their behavior and sympathy for their plight are easy to come by unless one's mind is closed like a sprung bear trap and/or one's heart is cold as the proverbial well-digger's butt.
Valid arguments are made that many of "them" contribute positively to our economy and fill certain of our low-level labor demands, but temporary (and renewable) work permits would serve the same purpose, while restoring both law and order to the process.
It is widely suggested that many such jobs pay so poorly that Americans will not take them, further suggesting that the present (non)system fosters slave labor - one crime seeking to justify another.
In my further judgment (or lack of understanding), all workers are worthy of their hire at fair wages, and if it means a hike in the price of potatoes and tomatoes, we should either pony up the price or do without.
What I least understand and most deplore is the inaction of our legitimate citizens and the gutlessness of our elected reprehensibles. While a thumping majority of "us" regard an uncontrolled horde of illegals as a major problem, we tolerate the hands-off policies of our leaders, only a minuscule few of whom are willing to take remedial steps before the situation gets totally out of hand...
The rest of Mr. Klock's column is here. It may well be one you'd like to pass on to friends, family members...and the Congressional delegation of your state.