Monday, November 05, 2007

Good News for Republicans

...Now this run of good fortune for Republicans has not been trumpeted in MSM news reports with “Pelosi Oversteps” or “Bush No Lame Duck After All” headlines. But the results are plain for all to see.

Listening to the Democratic and Republican presidential debates you hear one party’s candidates running on failure in Iraq, a proposed government take over of healthcare, amnesty for illegal aliens and an activist Supreme Court. The other is running on victory in Iraq, market based healthcare, border security and the appointment of judges who practice judicial restraint. Assessing the results over the last week or so, a savvy observer may conclude that the vision of the Democratic presidential contenders is as faulty as the Pelosi-Reid legislative agenda. Actually, it’s identical. That, more than anything else, should cheer up Republicans and give them hope for 2008.

Exactly what evidences does Jennifer Rubin cite to reach this conclusion in her latest Human Events article? Check them out here.