Tuesday, September 04, 2007

What Happens When Political Misfits Get Caught Red-Handed? Well, That Depends On Their Party Affiliation.

In the wake of the Larry Craig scandal, our friend Doug Patton takes a look at how the "other side of the aisle" deals with such matters in his distinctly telling essay, "Being a Democrat Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry." I reprint a section of it here but do go on over to ChronWatch and read the whole thing. Good job, Doug.

Since the details of Idaho's Senator Larry Craig’s disgusting restroom antics came to light, comparisons and contrasts of scandals involving Republicans versus Democrats have been made by almost every pundit with a political ax to grind.

Liberal commentators love to characterize Craig’s tormented secret life and his traditional positions on issues such as same sex marriage as “hypocrisy,” while conservatives point out that Craig has a right to take those positions regardless of his personal proclivities.

These views miss the point. While conservative Republicans have to live and die politically by the moral standards most Americans believe to be a reasonable code of personal behavior, Democrats have no standards for personal conduct. The litany of Dems who have thumbed their noses at decency in the name of political survival is long indeed.

President Bill Clinton refused to resign from office, and he served out the remainder of his term despite his crimes.

Sen. Ted Kennedy has been elected to seven more six-year terms since driving off that bridge at Chappaquiddick in a drunken stupor and leaving Mary Jo Kopechne to drown.

Rep. Gerry Studs, the first openly homosexual member of Congress, had sex with male pages and then defiantly stayed in the House with the approval of his constituents and his Democrat colleagues.

Rep. Barney Frank [shown in the dark suit at right] hired a male prostitute with public funds, then looked the other way while his “aide” turned the congressman’s home into a male brothel. Frank is now chairman of the powerful House Banking Committee.

Rep. Mel Reynolds was pardoned by his fellow deviant Bill Clinton after having sex with female pages.

The list goes on and on and on. And that doesn’t even take into account the Democrat financial scandals that have plagued that party for decades. Remember Congressman William Jefferson, D-La.? The FBI found $90,000 in cash in his freezer last year. He’s still in Congress.

Remember the videotape of Congressman Jack Murtha, D-Pa, discussing a future bribe during the 1980 ABSCAM sting? He’s still in Congress.

Remember Chicago Congressman Dan Rostenkowski, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee? Eighteen terms, seventeen indictments, yet the Dems let him serve right up to the moment the authorities hauled him off to jail.

But there is no hypocrisy here. How can there be, if they have no standards?...