Friday, September 07, 2007

"Sicko" Exposed by ABC News? 20/20's John Stossel Looks at the Realities of Cuban Health Care

An e-mail from The Real Cuba just alerted me to a 20/20 program scheduled for tonight (Friday, September 7) in which the fine journalist, John Stossel, will interview Michael Moore about his controversial film, "Sicko" and the outrageous claims he makes in favor of Cuba's health care system. The program goes further, however, actually giving the viewer scenes from Cuban hospitals and clinics that were not, like the one used in Moore's film, hand-picked by Castro henchmen.

As you can guess, the real situation is something quite different and, for a change, a MSM broadcast will deal with those realities.

By the way, you can see a quick preview of the show at the upper right hand corner of this ABC 20/20 page.