Friday, September 07, 2007

Besides Larry Craig, Who Else Should Resign?

Like most Republicans, I'm of the opinion that Craig should resign, but wouldn't it be great if he could take a few people with him?

John Hawkins has a great column over at Town Hall presenting very brief (but very convincing) cases as to why several other Washington pros have forfeited the honor and moral responsibility that should be required of those in high office.

Among the "missteps" he mentions? Leaking classified material (Sen. Leahy), use of prostitutes (Sens. Vitter and Calvert), prostitutes operating out of one's house (Rep. Frank), bribery and perjury (Rep. Hastings), membership in the Ku Klux Klan (Sen. Byrd), general and excessive corruption (Reps. Jefferson and Murtha) and for reasons all sadly obvious to those who remember Mary Jo Kopechne (Sen. Kennedy).