Friday, August 17, 2007

Pragmatism Trumps Sola Sciptura in the Emerging Church

As I was surfing around yesterday, looking for commentary on this USA Today article, another of what has become a pattern of the MSM reporting on the takeover of evangelical politics by younger, hipper, more liberal preachers, I came across this interesting response from Sarah Flashing at a blog called Flash Point. In turn, Sarah refers (and links) to a brief essay on regarding the preference for pragmatism over sola scriptura in modern churches. Read through the USA Today piece and, if what you read makes you a bit queasy, then check out these two responses to get a healthy inoculation of orthodoxy.

For more background on this trend, you can search through the archives here at Vital Signs Blog. Just use the word "evangelical" in the search engine provided here and it will draw out several relevant posts.