Friday, August 17, 2007

Global Warming Skepticism Heats Up

After reporting on several very recent developments that have "baked" the global warming hysteria, Roy Spencer, principal research scientist at the University of Alabama, concludes:

...Next, I'm happy to report that we skeptics have been getting a steady stream of new recruits. In the last year or so, more and more scientists have been coming out of the closet and admitting they've had some doubts about this whole global warming thing.

In fact, chances are that your favorite TV weather person is a closet skeptic (unless it's Heidi Cullen). But please observe the "don't ask - don't tell" rule. Most broadcast meteorologists are not ready for the public embarrassment that would accompany their outing.

And lastly, I have been heartened by new scientific intelligence that we skeptics have been gathering. I can predict there are more surprises to come, with some pretty powerful tactical weapons yet to be deployed. Climate scientists are beginning to question long held assumptions - which is almost always the first step toward a major scientific discovery. So stay tuned...

Read the entirety of this short article over at TCS Daily right here.

And, in a related story, Amanda Carpenter gives the details of how the hottest year on record (a staple of Al Gore's screed) suddenly isn't...and more. It's a nifty piece of commentary and it's in this Town Hall column.