Friday, August 17, 2007

Despite Media Hype, RU-486 is Anything But a "Safe" Drug

For the last couple of days, the MSM (especially through a gang of internet channels) has been enthusiastically touting a new study declaring the safety of the abortion drug, RU-486.

But...big surprise here...the media stories have not been entirely forthcoming 1) on the proven dangers of the drug as commonly used; 2) on the long-term effects even when the drug has been taken according to directions; 3) on the required assistance of other drugs and sometimes surgery to "complete" the abortion; and, of course, 4) on exactly how the drug works to poison and kill a developing baby.

And 5) Good grief, these news stories can't even get their facts straight on what this new study does claim!

Take a look at this LifeSite story to see what's really going down.