Thursday, June 07, 2007

Movie Reviewer Ticked Off That Pregnancy-Themed Flick Isn't About Abortion

In yet another example of "I can't possibly imagine there are people whose moral standards aren't every bit as loose, self-centered and blasphemous as mine," here's what Philadelphia Inquirer movie reviewer, Karen Heller, said of the new flick, Knocked Up, a movie she can't get over is about a pregnancy and not an abortion.

...Knocked Up is an old-fashioned movie in other ways in that abortion is never contemplated, let alone mentioned. Schmabortion, Rogen's potty-mouthed pals call it, capable of uttering every word but this one...Despite all this, Knocked Up is an affecting, memorable comedy. I liked it in spite of the fact that the woman was perfect and the man was far from it, and abortion couldn't be mentioned, as if several protest groups had gotten their hands on the script. I know, no baby, no plot, no title but, still, the characters couldn't even utter the word?...