Friday, September 01, 2006

Come Out, Come Out Wherever You Are -- Bloggers Uncover Secret Senators

So who were those "secret Senators" who were holding up S. 2590, the much-needed, common-sense Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act that would create a database for all of us to see how Congress is spending our money? (See this earlier Vital Signs Blog entry for background.)

The bloggers just wouldn't give up and, even though the Senate's ominous rules allow the culprits to stay in the dark, persistence, creativity and pressure paid off.

And who did they eventually ferret out? Big surprise -- two of the most egregious over-spenders of all time, Virginia's Democrat (and former KKK member) Robert Byrd and Alaska's Republican Ted "Bridge to Nowhere" Stevens.

Here's this good news story from the Chicago Tribune.