Wednesday, September 13, 2006

"Abstinence Education Works" by A.C. Green

MSNBC recently featured a splashy article by the University of Pennsylvania's Dr. Arthur Caplan entitled, "Abstinence-Only Sex Ed Defies Common Sense." It was a piece full of exaggerations, distortions and faulty logic but very empty indeed of common sense. You can read it yourself here.

An excellent article presenting the flip side of the argument has received much less attention (what else is new?) but is yet a much more factual, relevant and valuable piece. It is written by former NBA hero, A.C. Green, and specifically takes on the errors and false assumptions of Caplan's article. It is called "I Beg to Differ: Abstinence Education Works" and you can read it at A.C. Green's website.

And while I'm on the subject, let me recommend a very insightful column written by Heather Gallagher of the REAP Team, an outreach of the Catholic Youth Retreat Ministry of the Archdiocese of St. Louis. It is "Are abstinence & chastity the same?" and it's right here.