Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Why Paris Burns

Thomas Sowell's insight into the riots in France are profound. I print below a couple of excerpts but you can read the entire article right here.

...In the name of tolerance, these countries have imported intolerance, of which growing antisemitism in Europe is just one example. In the name of respecting all cultures, Western nations have welcomed people who respect neither the cultures nor the rights of the population among whom they have settled...

...No one should have been shocked. There are people who will not stop until they get stopped -- and much of the media, the political classes, and the cultural elites of the West cannot bring themselves to even criticize, much less stop, the dangers or degeneracy among groups viewed sympathetically as underdogs...

You'll also find a good piece dealing with this matter written by Debra Saunders. And don't overlook the Nov. 5th Vital Signs Blog post which also concerns the failure of the MSM to report just who is setting the fires. That post is right here.