Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Another Whiner Bothered By Hollywood's Reluctance to Push Abortion

Here's yet another movie reviewer (this one in Australia) who is ticked off that Hollywood doesn't do enough to sell abortion.

Josephine Tovey whines, In an industry where there are few taboos left, abortion remains an issue that is sidestepped, ignored or glossed over. A Hollywood comedy to be released in Australia tomorrow is the latest in a string of "pregnancy" movies in which abortion is still the hardest word to say...Sure, abortion is not exactly comedy fodder, but for a film that is marketing itself as portraying pregnancy in a relatively "human" way, you would think the a-word might at least get a look in.

Golly, Jo. Do you suppose that Hollywood's reluctance to champion abortion might refer less to producers being "closet conservatives" and more to the fact that, pretty it up as much as you can, abortion remains a savage, lethal act of selfish indulgence?

Tough to make that into a comedy.