Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Tim Tebow's Miracle Arrival

The following is the May 27 entry from the Mission Possible: One-Year Devotional by outspoken Christian champion Tim Tebow. Claire and I have been using this in our spiritual disciplines since back in November...and we have really blessed to have done so. Of course, I've been singing that tune since we began, but maybe reading posts like this one will be the spark for you to order your copy today.

At the very least, please pass this blog post on to your family and friends for it is a quick summary of a remarkable pro-life testimony.

Here it is:

Only God 

“Jesus said, ‘With people it is impossible, but not with God;
for all things are possible with God.’” (Mark 10:27)

In 1986, right before a certain missionary went onstage to preach before a crowd in a remote village on an island of the Philippines, he began to uncontrollably weep. He felt like God was putting it on his heart and in his head that babies all over the world were being aborted. And then God put it on his heart and in his head that he needed to have another baby. He already had four kids that were home on another island in another village with his wife, but he felt this need so strongly. 

He and his wife began to pray for the baby they hoped to have, and a while later, she became pregnant. They were so excited. When they saw the doctor, however, their excitement deflated. The doctor believed the baby wasn’t in fact a baby but a tumor. A bit later, more news: the tumor was, in fact, a baby, but the baby wasn’t healthy, and should the mother continue with the pregnancy, it could cost her life. The mother chose to trust in God and keep the baby. 

Her entire pregnancy was rough, filled with one ailment after another. But miraculously and much to the doctor’s amazement, the mother gave birth to a perfectly healthy boy. And she, too, survived. 

That day, I got to meet my mom. That’s right. That “tumor” was me. God has the power to accomplish what we cannot. Choose to trust Him, even when where you’re standing seems impossible. 

What impossible prayers do you have to choose to trust God for?