Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Just How Big Is The U.S. Debt?

You might want to have your blood pressure medicine at hand before you watch this little video clip.

It contains a brilliant (and alarming) illustration from Duquesne University economics professor Antony Davies of the U.S. federal government's debt and unfunded obligations. Davies breaks it down into parts and then compares them with the size of the GDP of other countries around the world. The result reveals the horrific magnitude of America's fiscal crisis.

Want to give that graph a closer look? Prof. Davies has made it available on his website here. I suggest you pass this on to friends, family, news sources and politicians. After all, the Democrats want to continue to spend like...well, like Democrats!

And we're the only ones who can put a stop to that. We must let people know what's really happening to our nation's economy and what the stakes are if we don't get some fiscal sanity now.