Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Checking Vital Signs

I should do this more than I do; that is, take a Vital Signs Blog post to update visitors about what else is happening with Vital Signs Ministries. Let me do so quickly and we can all get back to work. :)

* The latest LifeSharer letter is up over at the Vital Signs Ministries web site. It is, for the second month in a row, presented in a newsletter format instead of our traditional approach. Well, take a good look at it because the experiment is over. We're going back to our old style next month. In this month's edition, there's information on "P.A.L. Nights," an excerpt from a recent sermon, an update on "When Swing Was King," and more.

* Speaking of "When Swing Was King," our new outreach for seniors has another performance tomorrow afternoon. Plus we've been invited to present it at three more facilities! The number of nursing homes, assisted living facilities and retirement centers who now have us on a monthly schedule is increasing too. In fact, everywhere Claire and I have given a "When Swing Was King" program, they've invited us to come back regularly! It's been a terrific response.

* The sidewalk counseling ministry which we conduct outside the Bellevue abortion mill on Monday mornings is continuing apace. It's been pretty busy there the last few weeks but there are reasons to hope that there were a couple of turnaways. Normally we will never know for sure and our duty is merely to be faithful to the call (loving, winsome, consistent), but certainly our hearts are lifted at the possibilities that mothers have decided for life and against abortion.

* Also over the Vital Signs Ministries website are audio files of all of the sermons I've given in the "Beasts of the Bible" series at Faith Bible Church (1555 S. 27th with Sunday’s service beginning at 10:30). The last two concern lions and ravens with specific attention given, respectively, to Daniel and Elijah.

* Under construction (I hope to be finished within the week) is a new Power Point presentation about the Church's teaching against abortion throughout history. We plan on providing it at the VSM web site, on You Tube and other places on the internet.

* Other things happening? An upcoming letter-writing night, a couple of other ideas for pro-life Power Point programs for the web, Saturday morning prayer vigils outside the new Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in northwest Omaha, and development of new "When Swing Was King" programs. It'll keep us busy.

We always hope and pray that individuals who read through our monthly LifeSharer letter -- along with surveying our web site, our history, and the daily postings on this blog -- will find themselves desirous of helping us in our crucial and comprehensive work. You can do so by prayer, by participating in our various activities, by encouragement and, yes, by financial contribution. The last can be provided simply by using this donation link. We would be very grateful for such help (in any amount) so thank you very, very much.