Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Reid Takes Rhetoric to New Low (But Gets Cover from the MSM)

Yes, Mortimer; Senator Harry Reid openly compared Republican opponents of ObamaCare to those who opposed ending slavery!

He did it right on the Senate floor while making an otherwise dull speech yesterday. And you can see it yourself here in this video clip.

But the mainstream media has jumped in to cover his tail as best they can. Many news outlets are still trying to ignore it altogether. Others are burying it deep in the newspaper, somewhere between the obituaries and the used car ads.

And then there's folks like David Lightman and William Douglas from McClatchy Newspapers who gave Yahoo its headline story (one, however, that only appeared as a headline story for a short time). In their story, the reporters lead off with Reid comparing opponents of the Senate bill to "lawmakers who once tried to block progress on civil rights and women's rights."

That sounds a lot nicer than comparing them to proponents of slavery, doesn't it?

The reporters do, by the way, get round to a partial quote of Reid where the word "slavery" is used. But it's effect is muted...and it takes them 10 paragraphs to do even that.