Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Obama's December -- "There Is Something Terribly Wrong Here."

Author and blogger (Mommy Life) Barbara Curtis got an e-mail from one of her friends who asked, "What was the President doing yesterday [December 7th]? I don't recall hearing anything about him visiting Pearl Harbor. Did he at least have a lunch at the White House for some of the veterans? Since he's the first president from Hawaii I know there is no way he could have totally ignored yesterday's history."

Barbara answered:

Yes, it's true. The Community-Organizer-in-Chief completely ignored the anniversary of Pearl Harbor. You can find out how he spends his day at WhiteHouse.gov. He did release the customary proclamation, but you are right, Melanie. Something more substantial was called for.

From what I understand, the White House is very busy with 17 "holiday parties" before the Obamas leave for their annual vacation in Hawaii. Did you know the Obamas don't celebrate Christmas? And that the Nativity Scene was almost banned from the White House this year?

Did you know that the Hanukkah party was cut in half - "in order to save money" (keep in mind the lavish excess the Obamas are guilty of when the guest list suits them - don't forget to check ObamaFoodarama to see your tax dollars at work not only living large, but chronicling it for us poor slobs). And that Obama has ditched the traditional White House receiving lines?

There is something terribly wrong here. I don't think this is what the American people bargained for - as evidenced by his dropping poll numbers - which don't seem to matter, as he is grabbing power with no regard to checks and balances: If Congress won't pass Cap and Tax Trade, no problem: Just announce that the EPA now has the power to pass regulations which will harm all of us economically. (See Climategate: Barack Obama's rule by EPA decree is a coup d'etat against Congress, made in Britain). This is downright scary.

Barbara's blog should be one of your bookmarks. It is one of mine. Her entries are wise, witty, warm-hearted but bold -- everything you'd expect from an experienced pro-life Mom. Again, you'll find Mommy Life right here.