Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What's Wrong with "Every Child a Wanted Child?"

"Every child a wanted child."

It is one of the pro-abortion lobby's most common slogans because it sounds so soft and loving. However, the logical conclusion of the phrase is as cold and ruthless as an abortionist’s curette. For the phrase "every child a wanted child" arises from several intellectual and moral errors, all of which suggest that a child’s worth is based solely on the affections of others. It reduces children to objects whose only value is in their desirability as others evaluate it.

Indeed, this whole idea of "wantedness" being the determinant value of a person's value is not only incorrect -- it is wicked. A person's worth is determined by God Who created him or her in His image. Each person is therefore intrinsically, immeasurably sacred. The opinions of others cannot add or subtract anything to that person's value. A human being's worth is part of his very existence; it is inherent, bestowed by God. And no slogan, evil attitude or unjust law can deny that fundamental truth...not, at least, without the most horrible of divine judgments on the culture which tries to do so.

And, oh yes, one more important error related to the "Every child a wanted child" slogan is the assumption by pro-abortionists that an unplanned, unwanted pregnancy inevitably leads to an unwanted child. Ask just about any Mom you know if that's how life really works!