Thursday, September 10, 2009

Obama Is Getting Whiny About the Media (Well, Certain Media)

Barack Obama has had more effusive, more laudatory, more sycophantic press coverage that any politician since King Tut...and yet he still whines about those in the media who haven't yet come under his spell. Or perhaps, even more bothersome, he's afraid of those reporters who are beginning to understand how they've been had.

At an event honoring liberal icon, Walter Cronkite, the President showed an almost comical irony as he complained that the "standard of honesty and integrity and responsibility" that Cronkite maintained, is "a little bit harder to find today."

The president went on to quote Cronkite's comment that "this democracy cannot function without a reasonably well-informed electorate." Mr. Obama said America's future depends on the "honest, objective, meticulous reporting" that "is so vital to our democracy and our society."

Understandably, the President's remarks were assumed to be aimed at those media outlets that have remained independent from his control: Fox News, the New York Post, the Washington Times, and all those conservative talk show hosts, bloggers and magazines. In other words, Obama is actually sour on only certain media. If they would only behave themselves OR if their pernicious influence could be better restrained...well, then we'd have a better America.

Can you say "Fairness Doctrine?"