Friday, September 04, 2009

Barack Obama: Change in All the Wrong Directions

Kathryn Jean Lopez comments on the implications of the Obama administration's embarrassment with American signs, symbols and traditions. Team Obama is not merely about Change, but wholesale Transformation. The full post (with illustrations) is at NRO's Corner right here.

The United States Mission to the United Nations has a new look online. If you check out the redesigned site, you see it’s decked out in United Nations blue, with the U.N. logo prominently displayed.

Fine, the U.N. logo is there. But where is the United States flag? And where did the red, white, and blue that used to introduce the site go?...

But that overbearing U.N. logo is new. A waving U.S. flag used to be in its place.

You also won’t find archived statements from past U.S. ambassadors to the United Nations. It’s all Susan Rice, all the time. That means the U.S. Mission site is currently no longer hosting historic documents concerning our ongoing operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In Barack Obama’s America, we don’t just apologize for the past, we erase it?...