Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Team Obama to Senate: Don't Ask Questions, Just Do What We Tell You.

The Obama administration can depend upon the mainstream media for help in recasting American culture into a socialist, secularist state.

The media will trumpet every "talking point" the White House sends them (without hint of skepticism or even fact-checking). They will spin positive to Team Obama with plenty of puff pieces, photo essays, and human interest stories. They will use affirming adjectives; edit awkward quotations; and present in doubtful tones any references to the opposition. Indeed, they will go readily along with the Left's demonization of conservatives, religionists, business and others. They will also provide plenty of cover for the Democrats when things go wrong, often omitting negative stories altogether.

Nevertheless, in its desire to push America far and fast into socialism, Team Obama has lied, trampled the rule of law, hired the most extreme of leftist activists, and otherwise disgraced itself so badly that it still often needs to hide what it is doing from even the friendly gaze of the state-run media.

Contrary to Obama's promises to present the most transparent government in history, he and his friends running Congress are constantly ducking scrutiny of any kind. Closed door meetings, refusal to provide records, passing unread legislation packed with hidden provisions, manipulating press conferences, presenting supposedly impromptu events that are actually micromanaged by the President's staff, and so on.

The latest example? The refusal of the administration to release government records on its "cash-for-clunkers" giveaway. You see, Obama wants the Senate to act lickety-split and throw in another $2 billion dollars of taxpayers' money into the giveaway program -- before being bothered by any facts that might prove to be embarassing.