Thursday, July 16, 2009

Social Security Administration Has a Party (With Your Money)

One of the classic questions of our time is "When you're ready for Social Security, will Social Security be ready for you?" The point being that Social Security is fast going broke; it cannot even come close to handling the costs of the baby boom generation "coming of age."

Nevertheless, politicians have refused to address this daunting crisis, continuing instead to lie to the American people about what has become an unstable Ponzi scheme.

Little wonder then that folks are upset to learn that the Social Security Administration is criminally irresponsible in handling the money that it does have. Case in point? The $700,000 the SSA recently spent on a "motivational management conference" at the Arizona Biltmore Resort & Spa. The government's money (it was once your money, remember) paid for airfare, food, entertainment (including a dance party), and motivational speakers dealing with such topics as Emotional Intelligence and Interest Based Bargaining.

Your tax dollars at work.