Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Full Week Already

It's been quite a week around here. We've dealt with bagworms in our evergreen trees out front; reeled from sticker shock at the price for replacement windows; written & edited & mailed this month's LifeSharer letter; spent a few score hours in dealing with my Mom's situation as well as visiting her in the LC Center; and ministered through sidewalk counseling.

We've also welcomed back one treasured couple from their vacation and said goodbye to another just taking off; dropped in on that fantastic children's carnival I wrote about yesterday; corresponded with our political representatives; did quite a bit of lawn work; studied for this Sunday's sermon; and prepared for teaching the second to the last lesson in our Sunday evening series on heaven.

There was also Claire's hosting of a gala baby shower here at the house. 13 were present (ladies and girls) to enjoy Claire's checkerboard cake, lemon curd in pastry, basil/lemon chicken pasties, cucumber/dill cream cheese sandwiches, browned sausage slices in apricot sauce, cheese bowl salads, and a few other items. (While the party was going, I was over having a picnic with Mom.) A few days later we had another food treat -- we fried up our very first zucchini from one of the earth boxes on the deck. We seasoned it with basil and chives grown in Claire's herb pots and served it with corn on the cob. Super.

Also this week there have been prayer times, phone calls, a hospital visit, a nursing home visit to a lady in our church, writing a brief essay for the church newsletter, and...oh yeah, I blog.

We have also squeezed in our week some nightime reading in our respective trilogies. Claire's into the The Steel Wave, Jeff Shaara's second volume of his World War II set. (The third is being written; the first was a big hit at the last meeting of our literay club, the Notting Hill Napoleons.) Meanwhile, I'm travelling again with Frodo, Merry, Pippin, Sam, Aragorn, Gloin, Egolas and Gandalf through J.R.R. Tolkien's The Two Towers.

So, yes; it's been a quite a week. And doggone it if Claire didn't just remind me -- it isn't even Friday yet! Whew.

(But, hey; don't worry about those bagworms. We think we got 'em pretty good. It's those windows that still have us depressed!)