Friday, September 05, 2008

With Friends Like These: Barack Obama Gets High Praise on Iranian TV

GOP Sen. John McCain is "absentminded" and "terrible" and his running mate, Gov. Sarah Palin, doesn't have any appropriate experience. Sen. Barack Obama, by contrast, is "highly educated" and "eloquent" and would serve the world much better and improve America's overall situation. And Sen. Joe Biden is a "very respectable" man with a "good reputation."

All this according to an interview broadcast this week on Iranian state-run media.

"[McCain] doesn't know anything, poor thing. He is terrible. Let me tell you, he's awful," stated Mohammad-Ali Fardanesh, a political science professor at Shahid Behshti University, which is an Iranian state-funded school.

Fardanesh was speaking Tuesday on the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting television network in an interview translated today by the Middle East Media Research Institute, or MEMRI...

Here's more from World Net Daily.