Thursday, December 13, 2007

Belarusian Police Violently Beat Youth Leader

From Radio Free Europe comes this report of the latest travesty of justice (and there is a long string of them) perpetrated by the thugs working for Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenka.

U.S. Representative Alcee Hastings (Democrat, Florida), chairman of the U.S. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (the Helsinki Commission), has condemned the beating of youth activist Zmitser Fedaruk, who was knocked unconscious during a clash with riot police following a demonstration in Minsk's central square ahead of the December 13-14 visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin, RFE/RL's Belarus Service reported on December 12.

Fedaruk, 19, was taken to the hospital, where he regained consciousness but was not able to talk or respond to questions. "The merciless beating of Fedaruk is both outrageous and tragic," Hastings said in a statement.

He noted that last week Fedaruk addressed the Helsinki Commission in Washington and talked about the threats opposition activists face in Belarus.

Hastings said he not only supports Fedaruk's struggle for freedom, but also strongly condemns acts of violence against innocent people. "Unfortunately, the intimidation and abuse by [Belarusian President Alyaksandr] Lukashenka's regime does not seem to be coming to an end anytime soon," he added.

Nearly 100 opposition activists gathered on December 12 in downtown Minsk to demonstrate against the possible threat to Belarus's independence represented by Putin's visit. Protesters waved white-red-white flags -- the official symbol of independent Belarus before Lukashenka became president in 1994 and banned the flag the following year -- and shouted, "Long live Belarus" and "No to alliances with imperial Russia."