Thursday, November 08, 2007

President Bush, Will You Please "Unsign" the CEDAW Treaty?

If CEDAW (the acronym representing the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women treaty) is ratified by the Senate, it would supersede current U.S. laws and would make the U.S. accountable to the notorious CEDAW Committee. We know from what they are doing in countries that have ratified the treaty that their monitoring of U.S. compliance would intrude into virtually every area of family life.

Many have complained that too many activist judges in the U.S. are “legislating from the bench.” But you have not seen true activist meddling until you read these recommendations to ratifying countries from the CEDAW Committee. UN “experts” are continually inventing new obligations for UN member states to comply with through their radical interpretations of this treaty.

The U.S. Senate could bring CEDAW up for consideration with very little warning. The only certain way to eliminate this threat is for President Bush to unsign it. This is what Family Watch International (and many other pro-life, pro-family organizations including Vital Signs Ministries) are urging him to do. Family Watch International has created a simple way for you to ask the President to unsign CEDAW and thus get the United States well clear of a most pernicious entanglement. You'll find that response form right here.

For more on what CEDAW is all about and the very real dangers it poses to American cultural life, check out this brief PDF file created by Family Watch International.