Tuesday, July 17, 2007

One of Our European Agents Has Just Checked In...

Stuart Cunliffe, one of the European agents of Vital Signs Blog...well, okay, Vital Signs Blog doesn't really have European agents, merely Christian friends and pro-life colleagues who sometimes alert us to web articles we'd otherwise miss, sent along tips about a couple of very interesting articles. One is a fascinating piece in the Daily Mail (U.K.) by Melanie Phillips dealing with new revelations about the lack of fairness, lack of professionalism, but an abundance of arrogance in the BBC.

And the other item Stuart mentioned was a portion of a column by Lynette Burrows in the Summer 2006 issue of the bulletin of Family & Youth Concern. You can read her perceptive remarks, beginning with the headline "The Fight for the Family Goes On" which you'll find about 3/4 down this scrolled web page. However, like I did, you might find yourself roaming around the other issues at the FYC site as there is an awful lot of really good stuff there.

So thanks, Stuart, for the excellent information. And, for the rest of you Vital Signs Blog agents out there, where are your reports?