Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Town Hall Columnist Urges Support for Hillary Clinton

Was that a Town Hall column I just read? A column that not only assumes that a Republican defeat in '08 is already a "done deal" but one which even urges conservatives to stick up their yard signs for...Hillary?

I'm afraid so, folks. Economist Bruce Bartlett explains that contrary to conservatives who believe that abortion, homosexuality, freedom of religion and speech, taxation without limits, etc. make the election "a race between good and evil," enlightened players like Mr. Bartlett perceive it as "merely a contest between rivals within the same league."

No kidding.

Thus, Bartlett, in dead seriousness, ends his column with this paragraph:

At some point, politically sophisticated conservatives will have to recognize that no Republican can win in 2008 and that their only choice is to support the most conservative Democrat for the nomination. Call me crazy, but I think that person is Hillary Clinton.