Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Anglican Bullies/Anglican Crybabies

David W. Virtue's latest article on Virtue Online is not to be missed:

Most children, at some point in their lives, are forced to face a schoolyard bully. It goes along with growing up. Somehow you learn to survive. The trouble comes when the tables are turned, and the bullies themselves get beaten up. When that happens, they run to their parents and cry foul.

This is precisely what is happening in The Episcopal Church (TEC), the Anglican Church of Canada and the Church of England today. Episcopal and Anglican Church leaders behave like bullies and cry foul over perceived interference from bishops outside North America. Then they beat up on African archbishops and bishops for being backward and for not buying into the Episcopal Church's new sexuality preferences.

Mrs. Katharine Jefferts Schori, the Episcopal Church's Presiding Bishop, is complaining mightily about the arrival next week of the most powerful African Anglican on the planet, The Rt. Rev. Peter Akinola, to lay hands on a number of Anglicans in Virginia, saying "it puts a strain on the fragile relations on the Anglican Communion." This is while the TEC has done more than any other Anglican jurisdiction to aggravate and violate the wishes of the greater Anglican Communion.

What we have is the classic combination of the ecclesiastical bully and the crybaby! It goes along the lines of "How dare you cross jurisdictional boundaries" (the bully) and "Why the hell can't you buy into anal sex?' (crybaby) because it really is filling up our churches. Not.

Rich North American Episcopalians, using dead men's money, have figured out that they can buy loyalty from 15 or so provinces by dropping money into African laps on that continent in the name of helping HIV/AIDS patients.

When African Anglican leaders tell them they won't take their money because it is tainted with sodomite acceptance - an acceptance that has eternally damning consequences -- the Americans cry foul and say how can you let women and children die over sex. It has not dawned on the enlightened ones at 815 2nd Ave., New York City, that it is precisely because of the misuse of sex that people have contracted HIV/AIDS in the first place!

So there you have it, the ecclesiastical bully and the whining crybaby. The "how dare you" with the "why can't we all have sex with whomever, it's so much fun" and God (whoever He or She is) really doesn't mind, because our gender neutral higher power wants us all to live fully unto ourselves, and be who we are, sexually fulfilling ourselves with whomever we happen to find ourselves with, while reaching for the communion wafer...