Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The New Inquisition: Toeing the Line on Global Warming

...The whole business is eerily religious in feel. Back in the 15th century, the question was: Do you believe in Christ? It was required in Spain by the Inquisition that the answer should be affirmative, leaving to one side subsidiary specifications.

It is required today to believe that carbon-dioxide emissions threaten the basic ecological balance. The assumption then is that inasmuch as a large proportion of the damage is man-made, man-made solutions are necessary. But it is easy to see, right away, that there is a problem in devising appropriate solutions, and in allocating responsibility for them...

This Bill Buckley column from RCP is a fine one: good because of its content and good because it reminds you just why Buckley remains, as he has been for nearly 50 years, the cleanup hitter for the conservative cause.