Wednesday, February 07, 2007

How the American Press Has Lied to Us About Castro, Cuba and the Failure of Communism

The Media Research Center has put together an excellent series of print and video reports which go back several years demonstrating the incredibly inept, obscurantist and anti-American "news coverage" the MSM has given Fidel Castro and the poor, decaying Communist prison that is Cuba.

The report is titled, "Fidel’s Flatterers" and will take you quite a while to go through. But the people of Cuba, the principled people in the anti-Castro movement, and the cause of liberty are worth this small effort. So, please...bookmark this page and, over the next few days, take the sad, maddening trip not through Castro's real Cuba but, instead, the socialist fairyland which the criminally irresponsible press preferred you to believe in.