Wednesday, January 03, 2007

A Life Well Lived

You quite likely have never heard of him but Lowell Furman was quite a guy and the world definitely lost a key force for healing, wisdom and faith when he died last month. Lowell Furman was, at various times, the president of the North Carolina Chapter of the American College of Surgeons; president of the North Carolina Surgical Association; president of Watauga Surgical Group (34 years); 3x chief of medical staff of Watauga Medical Center; chief of surgery of Watauga Medical Center for many years; team physician for the Appalachian State University football team; member of the Samaritan's Purse Board of Directors; and co-founder, along with his brother, Dr. Richard Furman, of World Medical Mission., a ministry of Samaritan's Purse.

For a challenging, inspirational and relevant for all readers memoriam of Dr. Furman, read this brief Samaritan's Purse article.