Vital Signs Blog is provided by Vital Signs Ministries Director, Denny Hartford.
Friday, February 14, 2025
EPS Event Inspires 800, John & Mary Ann Kellogg Honored
Claire and I were honored to be the guests of Dr. Ed and Sandy DeSimone at the Glow fundraising banquet for Essential Pregnancy Services last night. It was a great evening and among the special highlights were the conversations around the table, the unique and inspirational address by keynote speaker Steventhen Holland, and the excellent news that the EPS Board had confirmed interim Director Dennis Waggoner to be the new Executive Director.
But we were also delighted that The Spirit of EPS Award for 2025 was given to pro-life heroes (and our dear friends of longstanding) John and Mary Ann Kellogg. In fact, you can watch right here the brief but very moving testimonial video EPS presented to the 800 or so assembled at the CHI Center last night.