Claire and I enjoyed a very inspiring morning down in Lincoln where we were blessed to attend the Nebraska Family Alliance breakfast with their very special guests being the 6 N.U. athletes whose late-minute pro-life TV ad was so profoundly valuable to the defeat of Amendment 439, the abortion extremists’ effort to enshrine unlimited abortion into the state constitution. Indeed, the testimonies of these noble, courageous young women was a momentous and memorable treasure to all of us in that large audience. Thank you, ladies. You were terrific! And thank you NFA for a most stimulating program.
Also noteworthy was that the audience this morning included more than half of the state senators of the Unicameral which started its session earlier this week. We were pleased to get better acquainted with to two of those senators who sat at our table -- Beau Ballard from District 21 (northwest Lincoln) and Stan Clouse, Kearney’s former Mayor who is beginning his first term in the Unicameral for District 37. Also at our table were Gary & Sue Bunjer, longtime friends and colleagues, especially in our mutual involvement with Assure Women’s Center.