Saturday, September 21, 2024

The Top 5 (September 21)

* "Yes, Democrats And Their Propaganda Media Support Late-Term Abortion And Infanticide" (Stella Morabito, Federalist)

From the article -- When Trump said he is against late-term abortion, Davis proceeded to “fact-check” him by claiming “there’s no state in this country where it’s legal to kill a baby after it’s born.” Ever since, media outlets from The Guardian to MSNBC have continued to issue “fact checks” and outraged opinion articles backing up Davis’ claim and denying Trump’s, calling it the “post-birth abortion lie” and claiming “there is no state in the US where it is ‘OK’ to kill a baby after it is born.”

First off, that’s disingenuous and false. Seven U.S. states allow abortion until birth, with no restrictions, and 14 allow it for the sake of the mother’s “health,” which can include mental health. In Minnesota, eight babies are recorded as being left to die outside the womb after failed abortions in just 2021 alone, until Gov. Tim Walz removed that reporting requirement. Minnesota is not the only state that fails to record or protect children left to die after birth in such circumstances.

Second, radical Democrats used to see a difference between abortion and infanticide. Third, and maybe even most importantly, this sheltering of Harris obscures the fact that Harris’ policy positions are clearly in line with Planned Parenthood’s hard push towards legalizing all forms of infanticide. It’s happening because of the support of the propaganda media.

* "Experts Predict Up to 2.7M Votes Will Be Cast by Illegal Immigrants" (Ben Johnson, Daily Signal)

From the article -- Do you plan to vote this November? You’re not alone. Experts say somewhere between 1.5 million and 2.7 million illegal immigrants are likely to cast a ballot in the 2024 elections, affecting races from dogcatcher to president of the United States.

The historic flood of illegal immigrants during the Biden-Harris administration has also padded voter rolls, thanks to controversial federal legislation from the Clinton administration. If illegal immigrants and other noncitizens vote in the same proportion as in previous U.S. elections, the number will range anywhere from 1.5 million to nearly 3 million votes.

* "Abortion Is the #1 Crisis Facing Black America Today" (Walter Hoye, Washington Stand)

From the article -- As a young man in the 1960s, I marched with my family, with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in Detroit and in Chicago. In the 1960’s, Black Americans distrusted government and any attempt to limit our population. We feared the motivation behind taxpayer-funded birth control clinics was nothing more than a malevolent effort to “limit” Black political power.

In 1965, at a meeting of the Council of Philadelphia Anti-Poverty Action Committee, Cecil Moore, president of the local NAACP chapter, condemned a Planned Parenthood program in northern Philadelphia because 70% of the population was Black. Moore labeled the plan as “replete with everything to help the Negroes commit race suicide.” In the 1960s, Black Americans knew what Margaret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. (PPFA) was all about...

Nevertheless, today, the Democratic Party and Black American leadership in the highest places, including Jesse Jackson, boldly endorse abortion on demand through all nine months of pregnancy and then some. It is more than abundantly clear that Black Americans are diabolically being targeted by the abortion industry.

* "The Media’s Criminal Misreporting on Crime" (Editors, Issues & Insights)

From the article -- "President Trump, as you know, the FBI says overall violent crime is coming down in this country.” That was ABC News’ David Muir “fact checking” Donald Trump during his debate with Kamala Harris. Two days later, the Bureau of Justice Statistics released the results of its national crime victimization survey, which showed that the number of victims of violent crime was 41% higher in 2023 than in 2020. There were almost 170,000 more rapes, 300,000 more robberies, 1.4 million more assaults, 300,000 more claims of domestic violence, and almost 400,000 more crimes with a violent weapon.

Why is the press so insistent on claiming that crime is no big deal? The reason is simple: Republicans have been tapping the public’s legitimate concerns about crime, blaming soft-on-crime leftists such as Kamala Harris, and promising to turn things around. So, the hopelessly partisan mainstream media feel that it’s incumbent on them to “prove” Republicans are lying.

* "Immigration: The Issue That Could Decide the Election" (John Hinderaker, Power Line)

From the article -- There are several great issues on which the presidential election (and Congressional elections, too) should turn. One is our out of control national debt, which promises to first hamstring our government, then bankrupt us. But no one is talking about it. Another is America’s deteriorating military readiness. The Europeans are scrambling to defend themselves against possible Russian attack; that in itself is a good thing. But they are doing it in large part because they believe that we no longer have the level of readiness needed to come to their aid. Trump hints at this issue occasionally, but that is about it.

A third major issue is cybersecurity. Our enemies (China, Russia, Iran, likely North Korea, maybe one or more non-state actors) have the ability to bring down our electric grid, crash the stock market, disrupt our communications, poison our water supply, and much more. Why don’t they do it? Only because we can do the same to them. It is a state of Mutual Assured Destruction, much as we have seen with nuclear weapons for many years. One thing about a cyber attack, though, is that we may not even know who carried it out. No one is talking about this threat.

Finally we come to immigration...