Friday, March 29, 2024

The Top 5 (March 30)

* "Israel’s Orwellian nightmare: The Jewish state swings in the wind because the genocidal Palestinians are said to have a case." (Melanie Phillips, Jewish News Service)

* "Biden’s Boss Tightens the Screws: Mexico’s president has America hooked on what he’s selling." (Todd Bensman, American Mind)

* "What Kid Needs Parents When Government Schools Dish Out Everything From Dinner To Hormones? -- These government school programs follow the Marxist playbook of destroying the family and making citizens fully reliant upon the state." (Victoria Manning, Federalist)

* "Democrats want to tax your home, your retirement, your everything" (Carol Roth, Fox News)

* "Easter Is The World’s Most Historically Verified Holiday" (Scott S. Powell, Federalist)