Tuesday, September 14, 2021

And Finally, "WOW' Posts Number Three

* "Iran's Nuclear Weapons Weeks Away" (Majid Rafizadeh, Gatestone Institute)

* "It's the Story of the Century, and the Media Yawn" (Fletch Daniels, American Thinker)

* "New York Times hasn't updated Biden's 'latest poll numbers' page since May" (Joseph A. Wulfsohn, Fox News)

* "4 prisoners Obama exchanged for Bowe Bergdahl now in senior Taliban posts" (Kyle Morris, Fox News)

* "Biden Requests $6.4B in Taxpayer Money to Resettle 95,000 Afghans Across U.S." (John Binder, Breitbart)

* "That Photo" (Pamela Shuman Lange, American Greatness)