* "HHS Secretary Struggles To Define Term 'Birthing People'" (Charlotte Pence Bond, Daily Wire)
* "Biden Land Management nominee 'collaborated with eco-terrorists,' traded testimony for immunity" (Houston Keene, Fox News)
* "This is not a joke: should harmful stereotypes about chickens be criminalised? UK academics argue that animals can be victims of hate speech." (Michael Cook, Mercator)
* "Abortion numbers record high accompanies introduction of ‘DIY’ home abortions" (Right to Life UK News)
* "G7 Embraces Abortion Language in Communiques as U.S. Reverses Position" (Dr. Rebecca Oas & Alexis I. Fragosa, C-Fam)
* "Wikipedia’s Quiet, Big-Tech-Funded Grip On Internet Knowledge Gives It Too Much Power" (Jordan Davidson, Federalist)