Monday, May 10, 2021

Just Checking In (More of the Best Reads from the Culture Wars)

* "How Apportionment Defrauds American Citizens" (Hans von Spakovsky, Daily Signal)

* "Evangelicals & Casual Sex" (John Stonestreet and Roberto Rivera, Breakpoint)

* "China’s Emissions Exceeded Those Of All Other Developed Nations Combined" (Ryan Saavedra, Daily Wire)

* "Joe Biden Cancels Declaration Trump Signed With 34 Nations Saying There’s No Right to Abortion" (Lisa Correnti, Life News)

* "Facebook’s 'oversight board' just shows how tyrannical it’s become" (Rich Lowry, New York Post)

* "NYC veterans fume over parade lockout after pot-smokers get permit to march" (Mary Kay Linge and Dean Balsamini, Fox News)

* "Here's How You Know Democrats Rigged and Stole the 2020 Election" (Wayne Allyn Root, Town Hall)