Thursday, January 28, 2021

Have You Seen the Latest?

* "The Salt That Has Lost Its Savor: The Woke Church and the Undoing of America" (Larry Alex Taunton, American Spectator)

* "The River of Forgetfulness" (Victor Davis Hanson, American Greatness)

* "Don’t Worry, It’s Just Corporate Fascism" (David Marcus, Federalist)

* "The tragic rise of Andrew Cuomo amid COVID-19 -- a real American crisis" (Janice Dean, Fox News)

* "Refuse to Be Silenced" (Kurt Schlichter, Town Hall)

* "Technically (Not) Speaking: The Conservative Purge Begins" (Tony Perkins, CNS News)

* "Ignoring And Ridiculing Election Fraud Concerns Will Not Make Them Go Away" (Stella Morabito, Federalist)