Monday, January 04, 2021

A New Year's Start to Vital Signs Blog's Compilation Lists

* "What you need to know about the COVID-19 vaccines" (Newsroom, Live Action)

* "5 Big Things We Learned About Our Elites In 2020" (John Daniel Davidson, Federalist)

* "Trump's Top 10 Accomplishments of 2020" (Steve Cortes, Real Clear Politics)

* "2020 media scandals and controversies, from Chris Cuomo’s coronavirus hypocrisy to New York Times’ turmoil" (Brian Flood, Fox News)

* "Cartoons Are the Left’s New Weapon to Target Your Kids" (Douglas Blair, Daily Signal)

* "C-Fam’s Top 5 Moments for Life and Family Internationally" (Stefano Gennarini, The Center for Family and Human Rights)

* "NYT Promotes a Pro-LGBT Handel's 'Messiah,' with Jesus as a Muslim Woman" (Michael Foust, Christian Headlines)