Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Okay, What's Actually Going On? (Another Compilation of Exceptional Articles)

* "U.S. Has 3.5 Million More Registered Voters Than Live Adults -- A Red Flag For Electoral Fraud" (Editors, Investor's Business Daily)

* "Misinformation Isn’t the Only Danger" (Katrina Trinko, Daily Signal)

* "Woman Who Blamed Trump after Giving Her Husband Fish-Tank Cleaner Now Under Investigation for Murder" (Tobias Hoonhout, National Review)

* "Cuomo to blame for COVID spreading through nursing home" (Michael Goodwin, NY Post)

* "Blame Bill de Blasio" (Kyle Smith, National Review)

* "Civil War on the Left: Michael Moore Against the Greens" (Steven Hayward, Power Line) and "Michael Moore Heresy Watch: Continued" (Steven Hayward, Power Line)

* "The Left’s Long War on Parents Over Schooling Their Kids" (Jarrett Stepman, Daily Signal)

* "Millennials: A Peter Pan generation with no happy ending?" (Ann Farmer, Mercator)