Saturday, April 04, 2020

For Your Weekend Enlightenment (Saturday Edition)

* "UK: Do It Yourself Home Abortion Allowed During Coronavirus Crisis" (Kurt Zindulka, Breitbart)

* "5 Keys to Unlocking Why the World Health Organization Bows to China on COVID-19" (Fred Lucas, Daily Signal)

* "World Health Organization Spends Twice as Much on Travel as on Medical Supplies" (Peter Hasson, Daily Signal)

* "If Regulations Impede Necessities in a Crisis, They Should Be Abolished Forever" (Ellie  Bufkin, Town Hall)

* "The Senator Who Saw the Coronavirus Coming" (John McCormack, National Review)

Want a closer look at what "globalism" means? Check out this next scenario.

* "United Nations wants 10% of entire planet’s annual income in fund for coronavirus response -- Use of funds would include contraception and 'reproductive health.'" (Matthew Cullinan Hoffman, LifeSite News)

And finally, a couple of examples to illustrate how absolutely demented the old guard media has become:

* "ABC Trashes Pence’s Christian Faith: Do You “Talk to God” About How Many You Let Die From Coronavirus?" (Curtis Houck,

* "MSNBC Blames Christians for Coronavirus: More People Are Dead Because of 'Religious Nationalism'" (Alex Christy,