Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Don't Miss This One Either! (The Second "Homecoming" Compilation)

* "Academic leftists tried to kill survey finding 96% of biologists admit life begins at fertilization" (Calvin Freiburger, Life Site News)

* "Good News on Domestic Religious Liberty" (Rick Plasterer, Juicy Ecumenism)

* "In Syria, Trump Makes the Best of the Situation" (Conrad Black, National Review)

* "University dumps professor who found polar bears thriving despite climate change" (Valerie Richardson, Washington Times)

* "Do Not Trade with a China that Lies, Cheats, and Steals" (Gordon G. Chang, Gatestone Institute)

* "New York Times Wants Nursing Homes to Starve Patients to Death 'Without Asking Permission'" (Wesly J. Smith,

* "Christian Schools Need to Do More than Plead for a Religious Exemption" (Nicholas Frankovich, National Review)