* “Clarence Thomas Exposes Abortion as Part of Eugenics” (Katie Pavlich, Town Hall)
* “California Senate Passes Bill Mandating Free Abortions at All Colleges and Universities” (Micaiah Bilger, LifeNews.com)
* “It’s Time for California Parents to Defy the Law” (Dr. Michael Brown, The Stream)
* “Banned in Canada” (John Stonestreet & David Carlson, Breakpoint)
* “Argentinian doctor convicted of refusing to perform abortion” (Catholic News Agency)
* “Court affirms media was wrong: Those videos of Planned Parenthood dealing in baby parts were not deceptively edited” (Becket Adams, Washington Examiner)
* “Target stores donate $100K to LGBT nonprofit that promotes ‘inclusive’ K-12 schools” (Martin M. Barillas, Life Site News)
* “Daystar Television Network Studio in Jerusalem Firebombed” (Nancy Flory, The Stream)