* “Democrats Don’t Fear Brett Kavanaugh. They Fear the Constitution” (David Harsanyi, The Stream)
* “Abortion and the Brett Kavanaugh Hearings: A Plan for Senate Republicans” (Hadley Arkes, National Review)
* “Pro-Lifers Convinced Woman Not to Abort. Now She’s Leading Fight to Overturn UK ‘Buffer Zone’ Law” (Grace Carr, The Stream)
* “‘Sex Matters’: Mona Charen on the Pursuit of True Love and Happiness” (Kathryn Jean Lopez, National Review)
* “The Left-wing Paradise of San Francisco” (Rachel Alexander, Town Hall)
* “Fight Against $15: Democrats Push To Repeal Minimum Wage Hike In Nation's Capital” (Editors, Investor’s Business Daily)
* “Trump Administration Takes on Unions Over ‘Skimming’ Medicaid Funds” (Fred Lucas, Daily Signal)
* “How ‘Green’ Energy Subsidies Transfer Wealth to the Rich” (Nicolas Loris, Daily Signal)
* “Permission Accomplished: Parents Have Sex-Ed Say at RNC” (Family Research Council)