Saturday, December 17, 2016

Snowy Weekend Reading (In Between Charles Dickens, Of Course)

* “America as Animal Farm — Again” (Victor Davis Hanson, National Review)

* “Liberal Logic” (Tom Trinko, American Thinker)

* “Abortion Biz CEO Cecile Richards Thanks Obama for Forcing States to Fund Planned Parenthood” (Steven Ertelt,

* “Tony Perkins pans Rex Tillerson pick to lead the State Department” (Bradford Richardson, Washington Times)

* “Records: Too many votes in 37% of Detroit’s precincts” (Joel Kurth and Jonathan Oosting, Detroit News)

* “Mrs. Stephanopoulos Brags Daughter Threw Pro-Abortion Hissy Fit After Trump Won” (Kristine Marsh, News Busters)

* “All the Rage: Taxpayer-Funded Colleges Offer Courses On America’s ‘Problem Of Whiteness’” (Eric Owens, Daily Caller)

* “Muslim Student Made Up Story About Harassment by Trump Supporters” (Paul Mirengoff, Power Line)