Monday, December 26, 2016

A Little Post-Christmas Light

* “Islamists Attack Christmas, but Europeans Abolish It” (Giulio Meotti, Gatestone Institute)

* “‘Islamist Terrorists Continually Slaughter Christians’: Trump Says What Obama Refused to Say” (Michael Brown, The Stream)

* “Obama’s Betrayal of Israel Is a Black Day for American Diplomacy” (Andrew C. McCarthy, National Review)

* “Obama Leaves Another Hot Mess” (Jonah Goldberg, National Review)

* “U.S. Should Not Only Defund U.N. But Withdraw From It” (Daniel Greenfield, Front Page Mag)

* “A Problem From Hell, Indeed” (Editorial, The New York Sun)

* “Texas to Defund Planned Parenthood” (Amanda Prestigiacomo, Daily Wire)

* “Professor tweets ‘all I want for Christmas is white genocide’” (Thomas Lifson, American Thinker)

* “Is Trump Becoming a Conservative?” (John Hinderaker, Power Line)

* “The Failure of Public Schooling in One Chart” (Dan Mitchell, The Stream)